A picture of the night sky in a forest with the full moon visible, hue-shifted to blue green colour. The right third has a glitched AAGS logo, with the album name and artist name overlaid over the top written top to bottom, left to right. A picture of the night sky in a forest with the full moon visible, hue-shifted to blue green colour. The right third has a glitched AAGS logo, with the album name and artist name overlaid over the top written top to bottom, left to right.


Play 01 Play 01 10010plus 3:06
Play 02 Play 02 101010 1:34
Play 03 Play 03 10101 7:58
Play 04 Play 04 11mb0 3:43
Play 05 Play 05 16 12:33
Play 06 Play 06 spinning world 12:25

This is the third of four "numbers" releases in 2019. This is the darkest one, full of bitterness and resentment. It kind of needs a remaster but it probably won't manifest unless a lot of people connect to manifest it.

Original description from bandcamp:

some are from outside home, some are from home

last 2 trax need cw for vague references to abuse of underage girls

https://screaming.beauty/16-10000/ Copy Copied Failed Close